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About us

Our Vision:

Science Hill Friends Meeting is a gathering of God’s people; acknowledging our frailty and brokenness, but reaching toward His perfection.



Our Mission:


Science Hill seeks to make our neighborhood and world a better place to live by exemplifying the Love of God, shown in the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth, who is the Christ.  We affirm a broken world, loved by God, and filled with His desired people.  We reach into this broken world through the power and providence of the Holy Spirit in order to bring everyone into the Light of Christ.



Our History:


It all started in 1892 when Mary Moon, a Friends Minister, held a series of evangelical services in a brush arbor near the Science Hill Academy.  The enthusiasm from these services resulted in the construction of the present day Science Hill Friends Meeting House.  In July of 1894 the first Monthly meeting was held in the new building with 85 charter members.  Since that original 1894 building, the Science Hill Meeting Campus has grown to inlcude a separate fellowship hall, and an adjoining education wing.  

The meeting has continued to thrive with an involved  membership, Quaker Ladie's and Men's Groups, and an active youth program with a youth pastor.  Projects have included Vacation Bible Schools, local and global mission outreach programs, Christmas Cantatas, Community Trunk or Treat, and Quaker Lake Camp sponsorships.  


Pastor: Vacant - Currently Searching for permanent pastor




Youth Pastor:

Position currently vacant



Youth activities will continue but the Youth Pastor position is vacant at this time.  Thank you to all the members that are working with the youth.  

We are a member of the Friends Church of North Carolina.  For more information their website is


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